Lilit Eloyan
Date of birth 14.11.1990
Expert in the vocational education and training system
/VET/.Experienced in the working of qualification (educational)
standards, modular curricula. The National Centre for Vocational Education and
Training Development.
Education and training
Ohanyan Design Studio /Interior design/
2022-2023 Yerevan, Armenia
Master’s degree in International Relationships
The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Armenia International Scientific-Educational Center
2012 September – 2014 May
Yerevan, Armenia
Certificate of completing the course
Arabic Teaching Institute for Non-Arabic Speakers
2010 October - 2011 May
Damascus, Syria
Bachelor’s degree in Arabic Studies
Yerevan State University/Diploma with honors/
2007 September - 2012May
Yerevan, Armenia
Armenian /native/, Russian /fluent/, English /good/ Arabic /good/